My home
4th May 2020

So, today I decided to try working in bed, it’s a misty morning and there is a climbing rose just outside my bedroom window with dozens of buds just waiting for some sunshine, I am quite sure whenever they decide to bloom, I will still be here. In the distance there is an orchard where an elegant gentleman spends his days pottering, he sometimes builds a campfire in the evenings and sleeps out there, I can spot him in the dark sitting in the firelight. So today I thought I would watch his goings on and share some pictures of my home, I would normally be sharing images of other people’s homes, visiting their kitchens and enjoying a little time on the road with Tim, our photographer. Everyone loves a peek into other people’s homes so I guessed mine would have to do for now. I’m not going to impress you with my kitchen as it got ripped out just before lockdown, but I have a big table and windows out onto the garden so I am fine for now.

My hallway took a bit of thinking about but in the end I decided to go for Arsenic by Farrow and Ball and Little Greene’s Stag Toile wallpaper in burgundy. The black console table was bought off eBay for £90 and the picture is from the large collection of artwork we always have for sale at Cotes Mill.
My lounge is a big space and the first room in the house that I decorated, I chose India Yellow by Farrow and Ball. The only piece I bought for this room was the big velvet sofa, another eBay find that was just perfect for the backdrop of my ‘wall of pictures’. I loved making this wall, I didn’t do any planning which was risky but I hate to get prepared, I always do things on a whim!! My Vogue magazines are special, I have collected them since I was 18 and like to have some out, it’s fun to see the fashions change over the decades.
Upstairs I have 5 bedrooms, the first one I did was the bedroom at the front of the house, a grandish room painted in Preference Red by Farrow & Ball, an old chest of drawers from our vintage collection at Cotes Mill, a French silk rug under the newly painted black floorboards and this room was done.
Up on the top floor I went for white, everywhere, just to get things looking fresh and clean. It’s very minimal up here but the views and the space and the sunlight are what makes this floor of my house extra special in the summer.
My kitchen is already full of my favourite things, in there is a dresser just waiting to be joined by a Classic English sink cabinet and some more vintage finds from eBay and Cotes Mill. I plan also to have some of Hannah’s vintage lace tiles on the walls in pink!! I can’t wait! Oh and some marble checkerboard black and white tiles on the floor by Floors of Stone.
Finally a little sunny spot for hanging out, which is actually most of the time!!!!
So that’s it for now, I have taken all the pictures on my phone as I am not much of a photographer, I have been thinking that if I were to learn a new skill it would definitely be photography!!! I love taking pictures but am really not that good and my technical skills are slow so god help the person who has to teach me!!!
Anyway, happy isolating, I do hope you have a home and garden you can enjoy, or at least a balcony or just a nice view. It’s been a strange time and something we will never forget, it’s going down in history books and we were there right in the middle of it, just waiting like hibernating hedgehogs all a bit prickly and ready for living again.
– You can follow my Instagram @hapdesigns here for more photos of my life and home, and the deVOL Instagram here.